Job Details: Galway City Partnership: Roma & Migrant Community Liaison Worker

Irish Future
Talbot Street
Dublin 1
Galway City Partnership: Roma & Migrant Community Liaison Worker



Galway City Partnership CLG is the Local Development Company for
Galway City.

The Roma & Migrant Community Liaison Worker will engage and build
relationships of trust with Roma and Migrant communities to support
their access to health services and health information with the
objective of improving health outcomes for Roman and Migrant
communities in Galway.


The Roma & Migrant Community Liaison Worker will be funded by the HSE,
and your work will be directed by the HSE Social Inclusion
Co-ordinator, however as a Galway City Partnership employee, you will
report to the CEO as an employer.


The core responsibilities will be:

* Collaborate with stakeholders in social inclusion in the delivery
of services to a variety of vulnerable communities.
* Assist front line staff, the Social Inclusion Manager and members
of the multidisciplinary team to design, implement and progress plans
through attending and participating in meetings and effectively
managing the activities of the service on behalf of the Social
Inclusion manager.
* Develop culturally appropriate materials promoting various
resources for health for Roma & other Migrant Communities.
* Promote and advocate for the rights of each individual within the
service setting including the promotion of equality, anti-racism,
interculturalism and diversity within the wider community with a key
focus on tackling anti-Roma and anti-Migrant racism.
* Implement plans within Social Inclusion Programmes and ensure the
written and verbal reporting and evaluation of those plans.
* Assist the HSE Social Inclusion Manager in all aspects of ensuring
that the service is compliant with National Standards and Regulations.
* Complete all relevant administration duties and responsibilities
as required by both the HSE and Galway City Partnership including the
correct recording and maintenance of clinical records.
* Support the Social Inclusion Manger in ensuring all Social
Inclusion staff are aware and adhere to the policies and procedures.
* Execute any other additional supports to colleagues and clients
when and where applicable as assigned by the Social Inclusion Manager
and the CEO of Galway City Partnership.



* Relevant work experience in programme administration and or
service co-ordination within a health/social care or community
voluntary setting.
* Knowledge of the Irish Health System and social inclusion
* Ability to advocate for families from a health perspective
including knowledge of Children’s First legislation.
* Strong ability to manage conflict and an understanding of
conciliation techniques when managing cultural differences.
* A knowledge of the health-related issues and needs confronting the
target groups particularly Roma & other Migrant communities.
* Interpersonal skills including capabilities of forming and
maintaining relationships with a variety of stakeholders and excellent
communication both written and verbally.
* Experience in preparing and presenting to groups.
* IT skills including proficiency in word, excel, PowerPoint and
SharePoint and knowledge of various media platforms.
* Effective time management skills and ability to work with
initiative, under time constraints to reach relevant deadlines.
* Full drivers licence and access to own transport.


* Relevant third level qualification in Health, Social care,
Community Development or another related field.
* Experience of working with individuals from the target groups
particularly Roma & other Migrant communities.
* Experience of interacting with statutory agencies.
* Competency in a third language particularly Slovakian, Romaine or


The contract is for a full-time, fixed term position subject to the
continuation of funding, a six-month probationary period will apply.

The working hours will be Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm (**Apply on the
website** hours), however the role may require some flexibility from
time to time.

This role will be based in 3, The Plaza Offices, Headford Rd., Galway
or other various locations in Galway.

Travel and subsistence will be paid at public sector rates.

The successful candidate will be required to be Garda vetted and
provide satisfactory references


Selection will involve shortlisting of applicants for interview based
on the criteria for this position as outlined in this job description
and person specification.

Please submit your Curriculum Vitae and Cover Letter by email to
* by 4pm on Monday the **Apply on the
website**th of November *.

Please include the post you are applying for in the subject line.

Galway City Partnership is an equal opportunities employer.


This position is supported by HSE West and Northwest Health Region.





Comhpháirtíocht Chathair na Gaillimhe Is é CLG an Comhlacht
Forbartha Áitiúil do Chathair na Gaillimhe.

Rachaidh an tOibrí Idirchaidrimh Pobail Romaigh agus Imirceach i
dteagmháil agus cothóidh sé caidrimh muiníne le pobail Romacha
agus Imirceacha chun tacú lena rochtain ar sheirbhísí sláinte agus
ar fhaisnéis sláinte agus é mar chuspóir torthaí sláinte a
fheabhsú do phobail Rómhánacha agus Imirceacha i nGaillimh.


Maoineoidh FSS an tOibrí Idirchaidrimh Pobail Romaigh agus Imirceach,
agus stiúrfaidh Comhordaitheoir Cuimsiú Sóisialta FSS do chuid
oibre, ach mar fhostaí de chuid Chomhpháirtíocht Chathair na
Gaillimhe, tuairisceoidh tú don POF mar fhostóir.


Is iad seo a leanas príomhfhreagrachtaí Oifigeach Tionscadail SICAP:

* Comhoibriú le páirtithe leasmhara maidir le cuimsiú sóisialta
i seachadadh seirbhísí do phobail leochaileacha éagsúla.
* Cabhrú le baill foirne túslíne, leis an mBainisteoir Cuimsiú
Sóisialta agus le baill na foirne ildisciplíneacha pleananna a
dhearadh, a chur i bhfeidhm agus a chur chun cinn trí fhreastal ar
chruinnithe agus páirt a ghlacadh iontu agus gníomhaíochtaí na
seirbhíse a bhainistiú go héifeachtach thar ceann an bhainisteora
Cuimsithe Shóisialta.
* Ábhair atá oiriúnach ó thaobh cultúir de a fhorbairt a
chuireann acmhainní éagsúla sláinte chun cinn do Phobail Romacha
agus Imirceacha eile.
* Cearta gach duine aonair a chur chun cinn agus tacú leo laistigh
den suíomh seirbhíse, lena n-áirítear comhionannas,
frithchiníochas, idirchultúrachas agus éagsúlacht a chur chun cinn
laistigh den phobal i gcoitinne agus béim lárnach á leagan ar dhul
i ngleic le ciníochas frith-Romach agus frith-Imirceach.
* Pleananna a chur i bhfeidhm laistigh de Chláir um Chuimsiú
Sóisialta agus tuairisciú agus meastóireacht scríofa agus ó
bhéal na bpleananna sin a chinntiú.
* Oiliúint
* Cabhrú le Bainisteoir Cuimsiú Sóisialta FSS i ngach gné dá
chinntiú go bhfuil an tseirbhís ag cloí leis na Caighdeáin agus
Rialacháin Náisiúnta.
* Gach dualgas agus freagracht riaracháin ábhartha a chomhlíonadh
de réir mar a éilíonn FSS agus Comhpháirtíocht Chathair na
Gaillimhe araon, lena n-áirítear taifid chliniciúla a thaifeadadh
agus a chothabháil i gceart.
* Tacú leis an Manger um Chuimsiú Sóisialta chun a chinntiú go
bhfuil gach ball foirne um Chuimsiú Sóisialta ar an eolas agus go
gcloíonn siad leis na beartais agus na nósanna imeachta.
* Aon tacaíochtaí breise eile a chur i bhfeidhm do
chomhghleacaithe agus do chliaint nuair is infheidhme agus nuair is
infheidhme de réir mar a shannann an Bainisteoir Cuimsithe Sóisialta
agus POF Chomhpháirtíocht Chathair na Gaillimhe iad.


De Dhíth:

* Taithí oibre ábhartha ar riarachán clár agus nó comhordú
seirbhíse laistigh de chúram sláinte/sóisialta nó i suíomh
deonach pobail.
* Eolas ar Chóras Sláinte na hÉireann agus ar chláir um
chuimsiú sóisialta.
* An cumas abhcóideacht a dhéanamh ar son teaghlach ó thaobh na
sláinte de, lena n-áirítear eolas ar reachtaíocht Tús Áite do
* Cumas láidir coimhlint a bhainistiú agus tuiscint ar theicnící
idir-réitigh agus difríochtaí cultúrtha á mbainistiú.
* Eolas ar na saincheisteanna agus na riachtanais a bhaineann le
sláinte atá ag dul i ngleic leis na spriocghrúpaí, go háirithe
pobail Romacha agus Imirceacha eile.
* Scileanna idirphearsanta lena n-áirítear cumais chun caidrimh a
chruthú agus a chothabháil le páirtithe leasmhara éagsúla agus
cumarsáid den scoth i scríbhinn agus ó bhéal araon.
* Taithí ar ullmhú agus cur i láthair do ghrúpaí.
* Scileanna TF lena n-áirítear inniúlacht i bhfocal, excel,
PowerPoint agus SharePoint agus eolas ar ardáin éagsúla meán.
* Scileanna éifeachtacha bainistíochta ama agus an cumas oibriú
le tionscnamh, faoi shrianta ama chun spriocdhátaí ábhartha a
bhaint amach.
* Ceadúnas iomlán tiomána agus rochtain ar a n-iompar féin.


* Cáilíocht ábhartha tríú leibhéal i Sláinte, cúram
sóisialta, Forbairt Pobail nó réimse gaolmhar eile.
* Taithí ar bheith ag obair le daoine aonair ó na spriocghrúpaí,
go háirithe pobail Romacha agus Imirceacha eile.
* Taithí ar idirghníomhú le gníomhaireachtaí reachtúla.
* Inniúlacht sa tríú teanga, go háirithe an tSlóvaicis, an
Romáinis nó an Rómáinis


Is conradh é seo do phost lánaimseartha, ar théarma seasta faoi
réir leanúint den mhaoiniú, beidh tréimhse phromhaidh sé mhí i

Beidh na huaireanta oibre ó Luan go hAoine, 9am go 5pm (**Apply on
the website** uair an chloig), ach d'fhéadfadh solúbthacht éigin a
bheith ag teastáil ón ról ó am go ham.

Beidh an ról seo lonnaithe i 3, Oifigí an Plaza, Bóthar Áth Cinn,
Gaillimh nó áiteanna éagsúla eile i nGaillimh.

Íocfar taisteal agus cothabháil ag rátaí na hearnála poiblí.

Beidh ar an iarrthóir rathúil a bheith faoi ghrinnfhiosrúchán an
Gharda Síochána agus teistiméireachtaí sásúla a chur ar fáil


Is éard a bheidh i gceist le roghnú gearrliostú iarratasóirí ar
agallamh bunaithe ar chritéir an phoist seo mar atá leagtha amach sa
chur síos ar an bpost seo agus sa tsonraíocht duine.

Cuir isteach do Curriculum Vitae agus do Litir Chumhdaigh trí
ríomhphost chuig * faoi 4pm **Apply on the
website**/ */ *.

Cuir isteach an post a bhfuil tú ag cur isteach air i líne an

Is fostóir comhdheiseanna í Comhpháirtíocht Chathair na Gaillimhe.


Tacaíonn FSS Réigiún Sláinte an Iarthair agus an Iarthuaiscirt
leis an bpost seo.

We need : English (Good)

Type: Permanent
Category: Others

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Please Provide a Cover in the English Language.
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